The Ideal Strategy

The Ideal Strategy



The Ideal Strategy

Developing understanding needs both metacognitive and cognitive aspects. Usually, learners create knowledge via the application of cognitive strategies. They direct, control, and assess their learning through metacognitive strategies. As an outcome, learners are capable of undergoing real learning. As important skills are gained especially in the utilization of metacognitive tactics, learners gain confidence and exert independence as students. Persons with adept metacognitive skills can engage in problem solving when faced with a learning issue or task. In this respect, such learners are capable of selecting proper strategies, choosing and implementing the action that will work best in resolving the problem at hand. Successful students possess an array of strategies that they can choose and reassign to novel settings. In this particular situation, application of the IDEAL strategy can be beneficial for Bobby when dealing with group work concerns.

The IDEAL strategy can be applied in a myriad of settings. Foremost, the tactic advocates for problem identification. In this case, the individual is expected to recognize the concern. Secondly, after identification, it is imperative to focus on problem definition. Delineating the recognized issue involves establishing a diagnosis of the situation. This ensures that the focus lies on the actual problem rather than the signs or indicators that arise. After defining the problem, an exploration of alternative or potential solutions should follow. Prior diagnosis of the problem at hand will allow the individual to consider alternative possibilities that may be applicable in resolution. Consequently, the individual will need to action the best possible solution. Selection of the ideal solution will involve assessing whether each of the alternatives is applicable to the situation via an elimination process. Lastly, it will be imperative to look back in order to see if the solution can be improved further (LeFrançois, 2011).

For Bobby, the problem does not lie in the fact that he is an autistic learner. In fact, it is evident that he is extremely bright and can take part in assignments with autonomy. As such, the issue in this case involves his inability to engage in assignments that require group work. Apparently, Bobby has trouble working together with other students and usually exhibits anger especially when students do not pay attention to him. Since the problem has been already identified, it will be imperative to focus on defining it. This involves stating the obvious facts. From this, it is clear that Bobby’s problem lies in his incapacity to take part in group-based activities. Consequently, a myriad of alternatives are accessible in relation to providing the right solution. For instance, the instructors can restrict Bobby from taking part in such assignments by allowing him to work independently. Alternately, the instructors can assign specific roles to the students in order to prevent any conflict (Williams & Happé, 2010).

The identification of different alternatives in respect to Bobby’s case provides a new platform for establishing the right solution for implementation. In this case, the best possible resolution involves the assignment of particular roles or responsibilities to the group members. Bobby’s demands can be overwhelming as an autistic child. Such aspects may range from social and interpersonal skills to transitions as well as dealing with sensory demands (Williams & Happé, 2010). In this respect, assigning specific roles will ensure that each member performs the task handed to him or her. This will prevent the occurrence of conflict. Nonetheless, there is room for improvement regarding solution. The IDEAL strategy advocates for looking back at the selected resolution for any signs of possible improvements. In this instance, the solution may be advantageous in remedying the problem. However, the respective idea can be improved by ensuring that it also caters to Bobby’s anger.

The IDEAL strategy was undeniably helpful in solving the classroom dilemma in question. Without application of the tactic, one may look at the problem as an extensive issue, especially based on Bobby’s autistic nature. However, the IDEAL strategy allows one to narrow down to the specific aspects that comprise the problem at hand. Through identification of the problem, definition, exploration of possible solution, actioning, and looking back for further improvement, it was possible to determine the right resolution in respect to the issue (LeFrançois, 2011). Additionally, the IDEAL strategy succeeds in simplifying the problem. Perceiving the situation in a general manner only complicates the fact-finding and resolution process. Nonetheless, the selected strategy easily displays the most pertinent information and allows the individual to focus on solutions that are perfect for this particular situation.

To this end, the IDEAL strategy outlines five different steps that are effective in establishing the right or best possible solution regarding a certain problem or issue. Personally, if I were a teacher with the perfect obligation in respect to grade level and content, it would be possible to utilize the respective strategy to my utmost advantage. For instance, in teaching about the IDEAL strategy to my class, I would employ a practical setting. This is in respect to the pragmatic nature of this specific tactic. As such, the class will be asked to consider some of the issues that they face as a class. Consequently, the students will pick a particular problem and apply each step of the IDEAL strategy. However, the challenge may occur in the event that students select overwhelming problems. Nonetheless, the application of the strategy will allow students to think rationally when engaging in problem solving.


LeFrançois, G. (2011). Psychology for teaching. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Williams, D., & Happé, F. (2010). Recognizing ‘social’ and ‘non-social’ emotions in self and others: A study of autism. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 14(4), 285-304.

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