The Influence of Sexual Music Videos on Adolescents

The Influence of Sexual Music Videos on Adolescents

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The Influence of Sexual Music Videos on Adolescents

Music serves an essential purpose in facilitating socialization among children and adolescents. People interact or hear pop music nearly everywhere, and it easily reachable and obtainable through the Internet, footages, the radio and other technological avenues, permitting adolescents to listen to and watch music in different situations and environment, in seclusion or in the company of friends (Zhang et al., 2008). Parents are generally not aware of the songs and lyrics to which their adolescent children are interrelating with because of the increasing use of headsets and downloaded tunes. Research on sexual music videos has explored the effects of such strong influence. The impact that sexual music videos has on adolescents is destructive and one that requires considerable attention. Nonetheless, despite the disturbing findings studies on how sexual music videos influence sexual aggression are not common and has not identified a clear distinction between the influence of music videos by male and female artists. Furthermore, not much is known about the affective influence that form the basis of sexual music videos (Oosten et al., 2015). Haywood and Swank (2008) argue that despite growing awareness regarding the effects of sexual music videos on sexual beliefs that emerge stereotypically among adolescents, various critical aspects have been inadequately highlighted in the literature. Hence, this thesis presents information that shows the need to use measures that would protect and guide adolescents on how to interact with music videos. It shows that it would be possible to achieve suitable outcome engaging the effort of various groups. The study also reiterates the importance of conducting more research in this area to gain more awareness on how to deal with the problem. Exposure to sexual music videos could lead adolescents to inappropriate sexual behavior and create a male-female relationship where males dominate over their female counterparts by seeing them as sex objects.  

Music videos usually attract harsh criticism for their immense sexual content that cause much stereotype, and because of their capability to influence viewers’ perceptions and ideologies about sex and sexual behavior. Oosten et al. (2015) believe that approximately two thirds of music videos on various music TV stations appear to show erotic content and sexual portrayals. The issue that raises concern among most critics is that the content often causes gender stereotype. Women are often presented in less superior roles and men as dominant and much more aggressive (Oosten et al., 2015). Viewing music videos showing erotic or sexual content, which Oosten et al. (2015) refer to as sexual music videos, has been identified to be linked with beliefs about females as objects for sex. Other consequences of watching sexual music videos according to Martino et al. (2006) encompass acknowledgement of rape myths as well as increase in stereotypical gender issues and sexual permissiveness.

Adolescents may be significantly vulnerable to an impact of sexual music video during their construction of sexual beliefs. Adolescence is a time when sexual feelings and beliefs are still emerging and developing, and those in this stage often resort to the mass media for content and information about sexuality (Seidman, 1992). Adolescents are the most rampant consumers of music videos, watching them on average ten hours weekly and between half an hour and three hours every day. Furthermore, adolescents find music to be pleasurable and engaging. Such interaction with music, fused with the elevated arousal and pleasure that they get from music videos, make an impact of the messages embedded on the music video, especially for adolescent listeners (Oosten et al., 2015). Moreover, music videos are now becoming progressively reachable, and have become more prevalent than before because of the appearance of platforms such as YouTube and various other watching avenues, encompassing computers, mobile phones, and moveable music players (Oosten et al., 2015).

Despite the escalating awareness regarding the implications of music videos that depict sexual content on causing sexual beliefs that occur stereotypically among adolescents, about two concerns have been inadequately addressed by researchers. One of the issues concerns the absence of research on the implications of sexual music videos on misogynistic perceptions concerning the sexual aggression that occur among adolescents, a few recognizable exceptions taken into account (Oosten et al., 2015). The absence of research is alarming taking into account the numerous concerns about misogynistic effect and content, which refers to the negativity and dislike toward women associated with sexual music video. Particularly, longitudinal research that is externally valid on the implications of sexual music videos on young people (adolescents) is still absent (Buerkel-Rothfuss et al., 1993; Oosten et al., 2015). Moreover, present research on the implications of music videos displaying sexual content may vary considerably in the form of type and measure of misogynistic content, for instance, based on the artist’s gender (Murnen & Kohlman, 2007). A second issue regards the absence of research on the processes that underpin the impacts of sexual music videos (Brown et al., 1993). Scholarly research on how music impact audiences and viewers’ beliefs is lacking and has largely paid attention to cognitive engagement. Nevertheless, when describing the implications of media entertainment, affective reactions are often perceived as essential videos, which have been indicated to generate high level of arousal and pleasure (Oosten et al., 2015). Taking into account past research findings on the effects of arousal and pleasure in describing implications of sexual music videos on misogynistic perceptions and beliefs.

Applying data collected across the country through surveying of adolescents from the Netherlands, and used a suitable sequencing method to analyze the data further which revealed that watching sexual music videos by male entertainers increased the notion of female token resistance, which is the view that women put off an offer to indulge in sexual intercourse when they really approve the act, among adolescent females and not boys (Oosten et al., 2015). The discoveries show that the effects of sexual music videos on sexual views that appear stereotypically is reliant on the precise form of music being watched and the gender of audiences, and can be partially be described by the sentimental inclusion of the audiences.

Further evidence suggest that watching sexual music videos significantly impacts on adolescents’ attitudes towards sex, and that continued watch could expose members of this group to adverse sexual conduct. Beentjes and Konig (2013) assert that TV and media show many images of sexual nature and serve imperative functions in the lives of young people. Therefore, it is believed that the content of mass media on adolescents’ sexual attitude is imperative. Beentjes and Konig (2013) further argue that because sexual relationships are evidently stereotyped in popular music videos, many critics and evaluators have inquired whether these images and portrayal emerge in stereotyped sexual perceptions and attitude among youngsters. Common among adolescents are music videos. Although such productions constitute a heterogeneous genre, critical analysis on content indicates R&B, hip-hop, and rap videos sometimes present images that are female unfriendly and could affect male-female relationships (Hansen & Krygowski, 1994; L’Engle et al., 2006). On the other hand, it appears apparent that sexual music videos may have substantial effect on the development of sexual attitudes in young people. Based on the guidelines of social cognitive theory, this is probable because the popular composers and performers in some of these music videos are easily likely to influence others because they act as their role models, and according to cultivation theory this is likely because sexual images and messages dominate and carry or portray similar views (Vincent et al., 1987). On the other hand, Pardun et al. (2005) inform that one can counter that such videos cannot have much effect because some youngsters do not perceive music videos to be a crucial or vita, source of information regarding sexual relationships, and because they retrieve information from other avenues – encompassing their individual encounters and experiences that offer competing perceptions and images.

Scholarly findings by Aubrey et al. (2011) affirm that constant interaction with sexual music videos create a distorted ideology of women’s sexuality, especially among youngsters who mostly engage with such productions. The paper by Aubrey et al. (2011) reveals how content analyses repeatedly noted that music videos put a great deal of stress on the sexual appeal that women bring into the composition and emphasize the stereotypical phenomenon of women being sex objects who primarily exist to meet the desires of male spectators, including sexual wants. Aubrey et al. (2011) assert that sexual music videos are usually developed around the pornographic imagination whereby women are perceived as a symbol of sex that must indulge in sexual practice and will give in to all fantasies that a man proposes. Often, the anticipations that industries and cultures have encourage female artists to take part actively in their sexual objectification. Content analysis conducted recently revealed that female music composers and performers were likely to objectify their appearance compared to how male musicians would objectify female casts in their videos. In their study that examined the impact of sexual objectification of female musicians in sexual music videos on the sexual beliefs of young people, Aubrey et al. (2011) learned that participants, particularly younger ones who viewed music videos showing exceedingly objectified female artists generated more combative sexual beliefs, more adverse attitudes about sexual annoyance, and more recognition of interpersonal viciousness. These effects were more evident compared to participants interacting with music videos that have few instances of sexual objectification. The findings support the argument by other scholars who believe that adolescents are at high risk of distorting their perception on sexuality when they constantly interact with sexual video music.

Consequently, based on past research findings, Beentjes and Konig (2013)investigate the connections between sexual attitudes among adolescents and their viewing of sexual music videos. The research is different from other studies in the past because it explores many issues at the same time, and considering that all measures particularly relate to sexual music videos rather than generally referring to media use. The purpose of the study that deploys a mixed-method research design was to inquire whether exposure to music videos determines the sexual attitudes of adolescents when regulated (controlled) for particular features of individuals and their social settings. Beentjes and Konig (2013) compares sexual attitudes to their use of sexual music video, which is prolonged exposure to erotic music videos, group debates about sexual music creations, and apparent realism of the video productions, own features, and what they see as sexual formalities in their cultures as depicted by peers and close relative. A research involving adolescents students from the Netherlands where three hundred and eighty-four participants whose age-range was 13 to 18 years old, revealed that the time utilized watching such videos, peer group engagements about sexual music videos, and supposed pragmatism of such makings all have helpful relations with the customary opinion that men take the top-most position in sexual relationships, and that females only serve as sex objects. Beentjes and Konig (2013) find that the relationship cannot be clarified sufficiently with discrete features such as schooling and gender and the sexual customs that teenagers observe in their social settings. So the researchers claim that it is highly probable that sexual music videos has a role in the formation and fortification of particular sexual attitudes.

In addition to impacting on adolescents’ attitudes about sexuality, further evidence affirm that the content of music videos and lyrics have substantial influence over the sexual behaviors of adolescents. Wright and Craske (2015) perform a study based on the cultivation theory, which particularly examines how the media impacts views and perceptions of reality and the conditions that the more a person interacts with the media, the highly likely the individual starts to think and believe that what they are watching is okay and normal, and that there is no harm in interacting with the content. The cultivation theory implies that the more people interact and get immersed in the media, the higher the chances that they will believe what they see is a reflection of what happen in real life. The truth according to Wright and Craske (2015) is that artists and composers tend to develop a false impression of reality concerning sexuality and the potential adverse consequences of indulging in harmful or risky sexual practices and behaviors depending on how they embrace such practices and behaviors through the videos and lyrics. Viewers are then more likely to make choices, adopt precise systems of thinking, and acting in the same way as they see in the videos from various avenues. Consequently, Wright and Craske (2015) engage 715 adolescent learners, largely comprising of African Americans and Caucasians. However, some participants were of Hispanic origin. Most of those who took part in the research were females (n=499, 69.7%). The primary intention of the study was to examine the connection between sexual content in sexual music videos and lyrics and the sexual behaviors of the participants. The researchers hypothesized an adverse association would prevail between sexual music videos and sexual behaviors and that the effects could be attributed to the cultivation theory. Scholarly findings for this survey exhibited that substantial differences exist in sexual behavior among the dissimilar racial groups. Wright and Craske (2015) use ranked regression analysis to scrutinize data and discovered that the information and practices of erotic music videos, along with a respondent’s culture and gender, have apparent association with the sexual conduct and flirting behaviors of those taking part in the study. Wright and Craske (2015) performed a series of recurring trials to analyze alterations to study the scale to which the valid theoretical concept can offer description why adolescents cultivate perilous sexual behaviors as a result of interacting with erotic music videos.

Other findings reveal that gender play a significant functions in determining how sexual music videos impact on the sexual behaviors of adolescents. Pflieger et al. (2013) inform that there is no doubt that teenage girls and boys are impacted and manipulated by music videos. The problem exist at a time when watching music videos is a popular pastime of many adolescents in America and other places. However, the practice has received considerable criticism for portraying excessive sexual content, for objectifying female artists and performers, and for encouraging a recreational perception of sexual acts which involve active men (Zillmann & Mundorf, 1987). Such exposure has been associated with young people becoming sexually active much early in life. Over a span of one year, Frison et al (2015) collected data thrice from 515 teenagers from Belgium of age 12 and 15 years. They were engaged on how much music videos they watched and were asked to state their level of sexual activeness and that of their peers. The study discovered that watching sexual videos only had a significant impact on adolescent boys, but not so much on girls. The researchers believe that such conduct is impacted by the sexual content and message of such music videos, which tend to indicate that males taking the more superior role in any sexual engagement. In addition, the study by Frison et al (2015) showed that watching sexual music videos had a substantial impact on how sexually active girls and boys perceived peers of similar sex were. Such content made them think that many of their peers were also sexually active – even though this may not be the case at all times. This in turn compelled more male teenagers to watch more of such productions. On the other hand, female teenagers did not want to be showered with much information about what the teenage boyfriends are doing, and instead opted to stay away from such content. Frison et al (2015) inform that this could be a form of defense response in the side of females who think that their male counterparts are sexually active. Part of that structure may be to counter content that happens to portray female viewers as sexual objects.

How Thesis Generates New Knowledge

The thesis generates new knowledge in the way it calls for a multifaceted approach to addressing the adverse effects of sexual music videos because such engagement appears to cause a wide range of complications to adolescents. The study illustrates the significance of engaging specialists who can help young people to build healthy relationships, especially when engaging with different genders to avoid the development of inappropriate behavior that could present an opportunity for unhealthy associations and relationship (Travis & Bowman, 2012). In addition to engaging counsellors and therapists to guide the adolescents’ behavior and way of thinking even as they may have to interact with the sexual music videos, the study emphasizes the need to create educational guidelines that would steer adolescents towards the right path. The awareness program should show the significance of trying as much as possible to avoid musical content that could be misleading and inappropriate (Oware, 2009). Various teams can steer the awareness process, including educators, therapists, health practitioners and parents (Travis & Bowman, 2012). They all need to be bold when they inform adolescents about the potential harm of sexual musical videos to steer them towards the right path. Therefore, the thesis implies that it would be difficult to deter adolescents from watching sexual music videos that are increasingly becoming rampant and ultimately save them from developing the adverse effects associated with the practice by sticking to a single mitigation approach. However, failing to adopt a more diversified approach could deter attempts to address the effects of sexual music videos on adolescents.  

Real World Issues Addressed by the Thesis

The thesis addresses key world issues that deserve considerable attention. The first one is that sexual music videos contributes towards gender suppression, with females being the major casualties. The thesis mentions concerns such as the portrayal of misogynistic content that contribute towards gender imbalance, and which could affect how women strive to achieve a place for themselves in the society (Sprankle & End, 2009). Gender imbalance in media presentations could contribute to imbalance in other aspects. For instance, the misrepresentation could affect adolescent bargaining power within their social groups and could impact on their academic performance. Furthermore, the thesis addresses the issue that women are viewed as sex objects, a practice that could deter how adolescent girls protect themselves against sexual demands. The matter is similar to what the female gaze theory implies. The feminist theory addresses the issue of viewing women as being subjects to their male counterparts. The female gaze is more evident in the film sector, but it is also common in music videos where females play subordinate roles, usually related to sexual themes.The thesis aims at bringing to light the issues many adolescents face, especially when they are females and hopes that the awareness would help to embrace effective mitigating measures.

Way Forward

Much more need to happen to provide additional information concerning what need to happen to save adolescents from the adverse effects of watching sexual music videos. Different parties must come together to achieve the target. More research is needed to provide additional information on the potential impact of sexual music videos on adolescents to gain more helpful tips on how to combat the problem. The scholarly works should provide valuable tips on the effects of sexual music videos, including the likelihood for experiencing risky sexual behaviors that can have fatal effects that encompass but not restricted to, unwanted pregnancies among teenagers, HIV infection, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). More researches need to emphasize the undesirable consequences of watching inappropriate music content because Wright and Craske (2015) inform that cases of teenage pregnancies are on the rise. They give the example of the U.S., which is in the leading position concerning cases of pregnancies among teenagers in the Global North, with most of the births (57.1%) belonging to Hispanic and African American youth (Wright & Craske, 2015). The research should document further evidence on the negative effects for both the adolescent mother and child to deter many young people from engaging in behaviors that could put them at risk of becoming early parents such as watching sexual music videos. Other than scholars and researchers who may contribute significantly towards remedying the problem, music composers and performers need to give age restrictions to regulate how younger people who are not of age access the materials (Wright & Craske, 2015). For example, the Parental Advisory label that was created by RIAA forewarns older people about the likelihood that a particular content may not be harmless for younger watchers (Wright & Craske, 2015). More of such regulations need to emerge to create a situation where young people do not interact with inappropriate content. Such creations are necessary because it is essential to balance between the freedom to explore creative art with the need for buyers to be informed if a product has offensive materials or which could be unsuitable for younger consumers (BPI, n.a.). However, such mitigation techniques may not work as appropriately as possible without parental guidance. Otherwise, watching the social problem take a toll on young people without acting could affect their future as well as that of their loved ones.  

Another approach that could help to mitigate the problem is to embrace the practice of music censorship. Munkittrick (2010) describes music censorship as the act of editing musical productions for various purposes, emanating from a broad range of factors, including religious, political, and moral reasons. Censorship varies considerably. It may entail government-enacted legal ban of a musical composition, voluntary extraction of content when a musical production is used or appears in a particular context (Munkittrick, 2010). In the U.S. whereas music can be categorized as a protected aspect of expression as provided for in the First Amendment, various instances of voluntary censorship still exist in the music sector, especially in regards to safeguarding children from interacting with or being exposed to content that do not match their age (Munkittrick, 2010). Such restrictions also compel TV and radio stations and artists themselves to ensure that they comply with all directives on censorship. Other nations have adopted a similar structure for ensuring that younger people do not interact with content that do not match their age. In the UK, the Office of Communications (Ofcom) has the mandate to reprimand presenters for playing audio and videos that counter its provisions on offensive content (BBC, 2011). BBC has sets the bar in the UK for censorship and continues with the practice, especially if it feels that particular compositions could have undesirable effects on young viewers. For example, the broadcaster has been censoring songs since the historical times from being played on TV and radio stations (BBC, 2011). From the late 1930 through mid-1960s, the BBC had outlawed various songs for presenting inappropriate content that generate moral concerns (BBC, 2011). Increased production of sexual music content may require such strict regulations to avoid instances where artists produce music videos without caring for their impact on the audience and scenarios where broadcasters relay content that could harm some viewers for being age-inappropriate.


The thesis provides valuable information concerning the effects of sexual music videos on adolescents. It shows that whereas the effects of such videos on adolescents are apparent not much has happened in terms of research to identify the effects of the engagement with music videos that display sexual content. The deficiency has derailed attempts to enact effective remedies to combat the problem that is increasingly becoming a major social concern. The study reveals that regular engagement with sexual music video influence sexual aggression, impacts significantly on adolescents’ sexual behavior and attitude towards sexuality, as well as perception towards other genders. Some studies indicate that male teenagers tend to be more sexually active compared to their female counterparts, and are therefore more likely to be attracted to sexual music videos. The thesis reveals new knowledge that may help to mitigate the problem. It shows that it is imperative to embrace a diversified approach to addressing the negative effects that adolescents encounter when they repeatedly watch sexual music videos. Otherwise, relying on a single approach may not be as effective as needed in mitigating the issue. The paper highlights some of the real-life issues that emanate from watching sexual music videos. Adolescents tend to experience gender imbalance amongst themselves with females often taking inferior positions as they watch in the videos. The thesis attribute the imbalanced perception of female adolescents by their male counterparts to the misogynistic content that many sexual music videos show and to the effect of the female gaze theory that compel women to be subject to male counterparts.  The report present some information that may help to address the social problem. Various groups can contribute towards addressing the problem by making proposals and implementing what they think would protect adolescents from watching inappropriate content.


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