The Positives and Negative Aspects of Technology



The Positives and Negative Aspects of Technology

English 122

The Positives and Negative Aspects of Technology

Technology has affected many areas of my life. It has influenced the way I socialize and interact with my friends. It has also affected how I get different forms of entertainment, how I work, and how I study. Most of my experiences with technology have been positive although I have had some negative experiences as well. I use different forms of technology. My laptop is very important to me as a student because it helps me with most of my schoolwork. The internet is beneficial to me, especially when I have to look for information concerning different topics. This has exposed me to different things in life. Other than schoolwork, I use the internet to improve my knowledge and skills in learning English. I read many stories from different sources and I can watch many online videos aimed at improving my communication skills.

Another important technology to me is my smartphone. It benefits me mostly because I have to use it to socialize with my friends. Keeping in touch with them is easy using my phone because I can use different methods to communicate with them. I can choose to text or call them or I can use social media. I also use the phone to communicate with my friends and family back home. This is important to me because I am an international student. By using video technology, I can talk and see my friends and family back home whenever I want to. The use of the internet on my phone or laptop has ensured that I get to do things whenever I want to. I do not have to wait for many days before getting feedback after I have sent a message. I can choose when and where to talk to my friends.

Technology has benefited me because it has enabled me to get access to many different forms of entertainment. I can control my leisure time using technology. I use my iPad to listen to music and I watch online videos using my laptop. I can store the movies I want to watch them later. I do not have to use the time for schoolwork to watch television. I can watch the programs I have later. I also interact with my friends using social media. I consider this a way of managing my leisure time since I do not have to meet with them all the time. We can talk when we are at different locations and this helps me to balance my life. I do not have to neglect my friends because of schoolwork.

Many people do not consider the fact that home appliances such as electronic devices are a form of technology because they are used to them. Such features are not as common in other places. Some people do not have items such as microwaves, dishwashers, and washing machines in their homes. Such appliances have had positive influences at the home. They have changed the way people work and they have increased efficiency in the home. People do not have to spend a lot of time washing the dishes or doing laundry since they can use the machines that are available to them. They can use the microwave to cook or heat food within a few minutes. Cars are another form of technology that has benefited many people. They have reduced the amount of time it takes to travel from one point to another. People can plan and manage their time well when they have a car. They do not have to depend on scheduled public transport.

One of the negative experiences I have of technology is that it can be a time waster and a source of distraction. In some cases, I spend too much time on the social media chatting with my friends or browsing through the internet for videos. I do not realize how much time has gone by when am doing so. I end up doing my school assignments in a hurry because of this. Although I spend much time communicating with my contacts on social media, I do not meet with them regularly. I think that this is a negative effect of technology. People have reduced the time they spend interacting with each other face to face. Another way that technology has affected me in a negative way is the fact that I have a problem with spelling. I am used to sending text messages and chatting with people. I just use the short form of words or coded language to text. I find that this is having an influence in the way I write. I have to use a grammar checker and read my work to make sure that I have constructed my messages well.

Although technology has some negative influences, I think that has worked to benefit the people more. It has influenced me in many positive ways. In addition, I think that it is possible to reduce some of the negative effects. If I can learn how to manage my time well, then I will not spend a lot of time on social media and this will enable me to complete my work in time. I think that we could also choose when to meet with friends so that we keep our interactions real. Meeting over lunch or some other place will help us in our face-to-face interactions. I could also spend more time when doing my work assignments to ensure that they meet the expected standards of language. I like technology because of the many positive effects.

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