The Relationship among Food, Religion, Power and Civilization According To Standage





The Relationship among Food, Religion, Power and Civilization According To Standage

The relationship among food, religion, power and civilization is strong. For once, food is important as it provides sustenance. Standage sees food as medium for societal change, political competition, economic growth, industrial expansion and societal organization. This means that, the food helped find civilization. Civilization simply means moving to live in cities. People who do not practice farming move to the cities to look for jobs and trade. Civilization brings with it a well-established political structure. There are social classes which defines bigger different in the power of each class. The ruling class is usually found in the civilized cities and areas, which takes control all aspects of state wealth. The embracing of agricultural practices enabled the adoption of new societal settlement and set people on the road to modernization. Food also acted as a catalyst for social organization. Religious structures were first introduced by hunters and gatherers of the ancient times. They were brought together food production system. This clearly brings us to the conclusion that food, religion, power and civilization are very connected.

Epic of Gilgamesh is a religious story, which demonstrates the concerns of men. It shows the relationship among food, religion, power and civilization. It shows the aspect of religion, leadership and civilization. The city is build with bricks; it has palm gardens and temples for worship. Standage argument can be seen in this story, as there is farming, religion, leadership and civilization. Mesopotamia was frequented by unpredictable floods, that why they had to look for better means to start their farming practices. King Gilgamesh is praised for his great leadership skills and his ability too brings his people together.

The Egyptian Creation epic is a story, which shows how their god created earth and the waters. How he created the Great Goddess Maat, the judge to help bring justice and truth. God protected the Egyptian land from the great barriers from the desert. He then created River Nile sop that when its water flooded, it would irrigate people crops and bring a plentiful outcome. He then made animals, birds, fish and gave them life. He named Kings who reigned over Egypt justly. Standage argument is well shown here. All the four aspects work together. God created water to help irrigate man’s food; he made kings who ruled over Egypt. The Kings brought the aspect of religion, which brought people together. Egypt flourished and cities were built which bring put the aspect of civilization.

Enuma Elish “When on High…” is a religious story that shows the aspect of gods in the physical world. There are several gods, the god of water and fertility. This Document can be used to support Standage argument about food, religion, civilization and power. The leaders in this society have as strong political power. Agriculture is also practiced as people use rains made by God to do farming and feds their people. In the religious aspect, the power of gods is made clear. They guide the people in doing what is expected of them. In support of this, it is true that religion unites people and without food, a society cannot survive. Leadership is important as it brings unity among people in the society. Enuma Elish shows the aspect of harsh Mesopotamian Gods who punish people. The gods created people and gave them life. In disagreement to this, the story is very different from that of Genesis.

The Laws of Manu document shows the powers of the rulers, how God protected his people and how he assigned duties and occupation to his creations. It shows duties of four castes, Brahmin, Kshatriy, Sudra and Vaisha. In the document Genesis 6-9, it explains God’s creation. The reasons for making humankind and the powers he gave him. It also explains the time of Noah, the ark and the floods. How Noah as a leader saved [people and the foods that the Israelites were forbidden to eat.

Ancient Indians were forbidden to eat certain foods because they were believed to cause misfortunes and others were disrespect to the religion. Indians held sacred texts, which were holy. In the Jewish tradition, Israelites were also forbidden to eat some foods, which were considered as God’s holy sacrifice. Food and religion as described by Standage apply in this situation as some foods were considered holy and connected in that the foods some foods where only made for God’s sacrifice. In this document, floods sweep the entire plantation and only the holy people are saved and put in Noah’s ark. After floods, the remaining people settle and start their normal activities.

There is a reason as to why Standage things all this aspects are related. One cannot thrive without the other one. If for example a society has lacks food and has all the others, then the chances for its survival are very low. In addition, if a society has no defined political system, then there will be no peace in a country and the chances of civilization are very low. Religion also helps guide in moral support. It also guides leaders and provides them leadership tips. All the rules and laws set govern a country and facilitate peace and order. Food also facilitates the growth of industries and improves mechanization in the food processing industry creating jobs for people. People move from rural to urban areas to work in those industries, which represent the aspect of civilization. In short, the combination of these aspects leads to an influential and a successful transformation in the society. Standage has succeeded in his role to bring people to understand of how this four relate to each other.

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