The Repeat Offender

The Repeat Offender


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The article on ‘The Repeated Offender’ gives a brief view on constant mistakes in the medical field. A trend in the repetition of the same mistake enables one to be termed as a repeated offender. It is about a laboratory technician who on numerous occasions forgets to follow the doctor’s orders. He was ordered to log the machine on stat but he did it in routine (Charles, 1998). Elsie, his head at the laboratory approaches the situation with Adams and talks to him about his mistake. Patients are posed to great dangers when the appropriate orders by the doctors’ in-charge are not followed accordingly. Such mal practices are corrected by the heads in various departments. The article is based on the acts of negligence and criticism. The appropriate ways of communication to this type of people is also addressed Charles illustrates that when any medial practitioner repeats the first mistake they receive a letter of warning. The second step taken when the same mistake is repeated again, is worse punishment.  

            Keywords: medical field, medical practitioners

The Repeated Offender

            The facts related with the repeated offender are applicable to all professionals in the medical field. Use of self defensive words is a common aspect among the repeated offenders. Adams stated that he had accepted his mistakes but still safeguarded his actions stating that he was human and was bound to make mistakes (Charles, 1998). They fail to acknowledge their mistakes and instead, defend their wrong doing.  Lack of discipline among them is a fact that results to negligence. They fail to have the self drive to do a perfect work as expected. When approached by Elsie on why he left the satellite on stat, he shrugs it off, claiming that as long as the patient has not been affected, he should not be punished. Inefficiency in the appropriate communication skills is another fact. Adams received the letter of warning; he described it as a punishment. This is a wrong perception since nothing had been done against him yet.

            The repeated offenders experience major problems. One of the major problems is causing medical malpractices. The medics under acts of negligence result to absurd scenarios. Deaths of patients and medical injury are a common case (Margar, 2008). They are deprived of their professional obligations. One’s entire medical profession is discontinued at certain times forever. In serious cases the offender is taken to court charged with cases of negligence and lands them in prison. They are then forced to pay large sums of money to the patience as compensation fees. The final major problem is lack of trust by the patients. Many patients fail to visit the doctors and other medical staff simply because they lack trust in the delivery of their needs. The result is the patients suffer in silence in fear of medical injury. Depreciation of the medical health standards sets in with the behaviors of the repeated offenders.


Charles, R. (2010). Case Studies in Health Care Supervision. The Repeated Offender,

M Mahar. (2008, May 20). Medical Malpractice: Fiction, Facts and the Future. [Web log post]. Retrieved from

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