The Rise and fall of Black Power
The Black Panthers were not wholly innocent victims according to Adam Fairclough, despite the struggles of equality and segregation. From the onset, there had been intentional strategies and mediated course of action to malign the members of the group. For example, police brutality at any opportunity of confrontation was used to discredit the members especially on public display. Similarly, the FBI through smear campaigns on their sexuality targeted the leaders. They were accused of infidelity as means of reneging their public image as well as relevance on the issues they fought for, in America. In addition, the momentous killing of the members was well publicizes over the years. However, the black panthers were not innocent in their dealings. Adam Fairclough points to their use of weapons in their cause as a source of concern. Apart from amassing weapons, they used every opportunity to provoke the police, which in majority of the occasions turned chaotic with several of tem dieing consequently in the struggles. Amongst the membership, their earlier criminal habits had been documented. For example, prostitution, robbery, drug trafficking, illegal business and extortion were still prevalent among them. Internal discipline in the party was characterized by beatings. In addition, there was no hesitation towards inflicting violence on their opponents, even to the extent of any under cover agents and informers. One of the party’s charismatic leaders was marred by cocaine addiction and us of sadistic and brutal violence. It included murder under his jurisdiction. Another aspect of the party’s integral operation was the dependence on dictatorial leadership and tendencies. It enhanced the party’s violent dealings without regard towards the consequences and outlook of the equality movement.