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The Smart Water Bottle

Air, water, and solar radiation are the basic requirements for human life, but water constitutes the largest share of the human body of the three elements. Such a fact of life means drinking sufficient amounts of water is essential to maintaining good health and fitness. Unfortunately, the modernity of human life makes some people become too busy that they often forget to take good amounts of water. On the other hand, some people are not aware of the importance of drinking water. Advancements in wearable and communicative technologies and heightened consumer health awareness enhance the feasibility of the smart water bottle as a business product. Innovative and cutting-edge technologies are behind this report introducing the smart water bottle. A technologically advanced bottle with wireless communication and simulated memory to provide alerts via display or sound. The interactive design enables the smart bottle to remind users when to take water and provides information about their hydration levels. The smart bottle also includes an electronic sheet, where the user keys in their age and weight. With this information, the product can calculate the amount of water the consumer should be taking on a daily basis.

The smart water bottle is the future of the global hydration culture. Rising disposable income, increasing awareness of the need to hydrate, and general global health awareness are some of the factors driving the growth of the smart water bottle market. According to Agarwal (2022), the social developments highlight that hydration is not a gimmick but a global cultural trend. Smart water bottles are well-designed to meet the water demands of kids and adults immersed in this hydration culture. However, some people might be critical, inquiring whether the advanced bottles are worth it compared to normal water bottles. The list below indicates the features that separate the utility of the new design from the conventional water bottles. The smart water bottle:

Fig. 1: Smart water bottle with app

  1. Indicates the amount of water the user drinks each time
  2. The hours/days/weeks of water intake tracking                         
  3. Automatic alerts to drink water (reminders)
  4. USB and wireless connectivity to boost the alert system      
  5. LED lights for the alert system
  6. Vibration alerts
  7. Synchronization capability with third-party applications.  

This report provides the reader the background information on the smart water bottle as a commercial product. A consumer analysis will be included, covering the problem to be solved and the target market for the product. The report will also provide an STP analysis to identify segments that can offer value and guide the product’s marketing communication. The report concludes by conducting a market test to highlight the results of the product’s marketing strategies and the standards set in the water bottle industry.

Consumer Analysis and Problem Identification

Consumer Problem to be Solved

            The Industry Arc (2023) reports that the smart water bottle industry will reach 30.6 million dollars by 2026. The market growth is largely associated with the increasing health consciousness among young adults and teenagers. Rising recognition of the need to hydrate is increasing the demand for fitness and hydration trackers. The success of other wearable technologies, such as the Apple Watch, compounds the market demand. Gym accessories and other wireless technologies are boosting the growth of the smart water bottle industry. However, despite this impressive growth, everyday distractions like social media, commuting, and work disrupt many people’s natural water-drinking cycles. Since the mind is kept too busy, the natural instinct to drink water (thirst) is overridden. Smart water bottles are the solution to helping consumers refocus their attention on water intake and its active tracking.

            While literature focuses on adult intake of water, the public health issue is even greater in children. Choraqui (2023) reports that scientific evidence on children’s water intake is rare. The researcher’s systematic review of the literature finds that worldwide, most children below the age of twelve do not meet water intake recommendations. One of the reasons cited behind this public health issue was inadequate ‘healthy hydration’ education (Choraqui, 2023; Khan, 2019). In the urban environment, where there is slightly better access to water, there is the case that many guardians are not tracking their children’s water intake. Smart water bottles are the solution to this parental mishap. The parent can employ wearable technologies, such as smartphones, to alert their children to take water. The data on children’s water intake shows that there is an opportunity for the younger market.

Fig 2. Smart water bottle intake in Kids

Target Market

Consumer Profile

The smart water bottle will be designed for young adult consumers aged 17-39.  Market research suggests the consumer has above-average knowledge of wearable technology and is enhancing their health-related behaviours using the technologies (Research Nester, 2023). For instance, they already know how to use their smartphones to track the number of steps they take per day. The consumer intends to maintain a healthier lifestyle, and the smart water bottle enables them to achieve this function. Moreover, the consumer intends to use the product to appear modern/hip. The consumer mostly lives in urban areas and is fit and well aware of their health status. This implies a medium to high economic status. The consumer is equally physically active, engaging in gym fitness, running, palates, yoga, or dancing. Lastly, the consumer ensures to conduct minimal research on their food and beverages.

Market Segmentation Analysis

            This report covers the market segmentation of water bottles based on three criteria, type, distribution channel, and geography.

Type: The largest share of the smart water bottle industry is held by hydration tracking applications (Industry Arc, 2023). The market development indicates that the main objective for consumers is to receive accurate reports on their daily water intake. The hydration applications are used to help consumers create personalized hydration goals. The in-built hardware is also contributing to the capture of these objectives. The smart water bottles have LEDs and smart lids with sensors that record the amount of water entering and exiting the product. Inbuilt thermometers also indicate the temperature of the water, acting as an incentive for the consumer to take some of the fluid. Increasing health awareness on the importance of taking water is bound to magnify the adoption of smart water bottles with hydration-tracking applications.

Distribution Channel: Market analysis reports indicate that most smart water bottle sales are made online (Industry Arc, 2023). The market statistic suggests low to medium product availability in retail stores or brick-and-mortar shops. The online distribution channel promises increasing sales and ease of payments. Therefore, e-commerce will boost the growth of the smart water bottle market. According to Industry Arc (2023), another interesting development is the collaboration between water bottle manufacturers, tech companies, and electronic stores. The partnerships are why smart water bottles are often marketed next to smart devices, such as Siri and the Apple Watch, instead of normal water bottles. The distribution channel highlights that marketing efforts focus on smart technology and not water capacity.

Geography: North America dominates the smarty water bottle, commanding 35% of global sales (Industry Arc, 2023). The Asia Pacific region follows as second, with Europe being the third. North America’s industry dominance can be associated with its fitness culture, given that the country has the most gyms. The International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association (IHRSA) reports that the health club market in the United States alone stands at $32.2 billion (Industry Arc, 2023). The obesity rate and heightened health awareness imply North America will continue dominating the smart water bottle market.

STP Analysis

Industry and Company Analysis

The global smart water bottle market is expected to grow at a rate of 15.2% from 2017-2024. Within the same period, the market’s global value is anticipated to reach $238 million (Research Nester, 2023). The rising population rate and increased participation in sporting activities is anticipated to positively affect market growth. Research shows a heightened use of bottled water on road trips, equally likely to fuel demand. For example, the US. Department of Transportation estimated that 87% of Americans take daily trips using their vehicles (Fortune Business Insights, 2022). However, the rising number of public places offering people free access to drinking water is impeding rapid market growth. SIGG Switzerland, Tupperware Brands Corporation, Nagle Nunc, and Klean Kanteen Inc. are some of the primary smart water bottle manufacturers in the global market.

The prior market segmentation assessment highlighted that the industry is separated by type, distribution, and geography. Fortune Business Insights (2022) include material type, application, and size as other segmentation criteria. The market is broken into travel, education, sports, offices, and others based on application. The sports segment is the dominant group as per application as a criterion. In terms of size, the market is separated into half 0.5-1 litre, 1-2 litre, and 2-3 litre bottles (Fortune Business Insights, 2022). The 1-2 litre segment is expected to hold a significant market share due to its ability to meet the basic water requirements for most people.

The prior market assessment also showed that the market is divided into North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. South America, the Middle East, and Africa are not yet substantial consumers of the smart water bottle. According to sales data, North America is anticipated to be the biggest market (Fortune Business Insights, 2022). However, the same sales data show that the Asia Pacific region has the highest market growth rate. The smart water bottle might have penetrated the North American market more, but the Asia Pacific is growing at a faster rate. In terms of material type, the market is divided into glass, metal, plastic, and others. Plastic holds the dominant share of the market due to its portability and affordability.

Segmentation CriterionDetails
By MaterialMetalGlassPlasticOthers
By ApplicationEducationSportsTravelOthers (offices, hotels)
By Size2-3 litre1-2 litre0.5-1 litre
By GeographyNorth AmericaAsia PacificEuropeAfrica, the Middle East, and South America

Table One: Summary of Segmentation Analysis

Market Analysis

HidrateSpark ($69) was one of the pioneer companies in the smart water bottle industry. The company’s product entails a stainless steel vacuum-insulated bottle with an LED sensor attached at the bottom (Agarwal, 2022). The alert system entails the LEG lights glowing while the sensor tracks the water levels at the bottom. Unlike our proposed product, Hidrate Spark has no audio-based alert technology (Agarwal, 2022). Our smart water bottle has speakers to alert the user and includes voice activation technology to enhance personalization. The product also does not include an inbuilt water filtration system. However, Hidrate Spark’s sensors allow the product’s position to be traced vis a smartphone application when lost.

The REBO ($49) bottle is another well-established brand in the water bottle industry. The product can track the user’s daily water intake and even suggest a modifiable hydration plan (Agarwal, 2022). The user identifies their age, weight, and routine activities, and the REBO bottle will develop a hydration plan. Another feature differentiating the REBO bottle from our product is its inclusion of 230000 water fountains to direct consumers where to refill the bottle (Agarwal, 2022). A marketing masterclass by REBO is the promise that the company sponsors the clean-up of one plastic bottle for every 16oz of water consumed from a REBO bottle (Agarwal, 2022).

Lifefuels ($89) is another well-known brand in the smart water bottle industry. However, the brand focuses on the production of flavoured water. The brand boasts of the ability to hydrate the consumer and meet their daily dose of micronutrients (Agarwal, 2022). The product can track the user’s daily water intake and fuse the required amount of flavour via the touch of a button. Press and a flavour pod infuse the micronutrients into the water. The additional flavour feature makes Lifefuels’ smart bottle command a premium price for its water bottles. Such a marketing approach is unsuitable for the consumer recently joining the fitness and hydration culture.

Existing available alternatives include the Icewater 3-in-1 smart water bottle, the Hidrate Spark TAP Smart Water Bottle, Philips GoZero Smart Bottle, and the TYLT Power Bottle (Borelli et al. 2022). Most of the existing alternatives track water intake and send notifications via a mobile application. However, none of the bottles integrate with wearable devices, and that would be a unique difference. The competitor analysis indicates that our product more than satisfies the basic technological features in the smart water bottle industry. Our bottle has customizable alerts, water tracking capability, Wi-Fi connectivity, a built-in water filtration system, and voice activation. The superior features imply the bottle can also command premium pricing. However, despite all these technologies, consumers cannot track the product when lost. There is a need to include Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in future versions of the product.

Low Cost
High Quality

Positioning Statement

     Lifefuels High Cost (Our smart water bottle) HidrateSparkPRO Philips Go Zero
 Ice Water 3 HidrateSpark
Low Quality

Table 2: Perceptual Map on Brand Positioning

The perceptual map indicates that our brand will compare fairly well compared to competitors. Due to its superior technological features, the brand will provide users with high quality. As a result, the product will fetch premium pricing. However, it is not the costliest option among the high-quality smart water brands. The map suggests that the primary consumer of our smart water bottle must have a high disposable income.

Targeting Strategy

The proposed smart water bottle sets out to recognize individuals who share their daily water intake needs. The objective is to identify consumers that will help establish a water intake culture in the same way health fitness applications share daily targets and achievements among connected users. One of the main targeting points will be the bottle’s design. It must be trendy yet portable to inspire its use as an accessory. Since the proposed water bottle’s sensor assesses water amounts when the product is seated, it will not be suitable for consumers in the sports market segment. The product is unsuited for providing measurements while the user is mobile (jogging, running). Therefore, the best market segment to track is education and others.

The proposed smart water bottle must employ a differentiated marketing strategy to gain a substantial foothold in the global market. The goal is to target different classes of consumers within the same market segment. For instance, students and teachers are within the same market segment (education). However, age, body physiology, and pop culture are bound to influence the water intake rate. It will be rational to market the 1-2 litre water bottle to teachers and the 0.5-1 litre bottle to students. The material type for the two classes of consumers will be equally different.

Positioning Strategy

Market positioning entails a way of determining the marketing mix for a product for the target market to have a comprehensive understanding of what the product does and what value it offers. The proposed smart water bottle does not have a diverse range of flavours or offerings compared to its competitors. The focus on a single product line of drinking water will allow the smart water bottle to command premium pricing while still being perceived as affordable compared to its competitors. The proposed product will be more convenient for consumers in its class. The challenge will be keeping track of trends and cultural changes that impact water consumption behaviours in the target market. The information will be applied to adjust the product’s design and in the determination of whether it is time to diversify the brand’s product portfolio.

Concept Testing

            At first, the goal was to develop a regular water bottle with a signature style. However, during the concept testing phase, it was concluded that focusing on features was more important than aesthetic appearance. The concept testing phase entailed an iterative process of determining what works and what does not work in the proposed smart water bottle. Deductive thinking on consumer preferences was the main product testing strategy used in the testing process. The tests aimed to improve the product’s utility without affecting its quality or pricing.

The first feature to be assessed was its ability to track daily water intake amounts while showing when it was time to drink water. At this point of the test, it was contemplated that it was necessary to expand the memory space of the product. The aim is to enable the smart water bottle to provide weekly and monthly summaries of water intakes to facilitate long-term behavioural planning. The ability to plan and share the plans with other users will be essential in creating an online community based on the product.

The second test was to assess the reliability of the sensing technology. The process introduced a challenge to the product design and development because it was unclear whether placing the sensor at the top or the bottom was best for tracking water levels. Ultimately, it was concluded that having a sensor at the bottom, which bases its judgments on the product’s weight, is best suitable as a product feature. The sensor will be able to add and subtract weight changes in the bottle to determine the amount of water left inside for consumption. The position of the sensor should not impede any battery placements at the bottom. The fact that the battery and sensor are both at the bottom should not affect the size of the final product.

The third point of focus for the concept testing was the bottle’s interactivity. The product must be able to connect via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies to enhance its data collection and display functions. The aim is to ensure ease of notification via audio communication. Wi-Fi technologies are essential in the building of a water culture among consumers of the proposed smart water bottle. The technology will facilitate online sharing of personal data to facilitate group tracking and support. It had been proposed that the smart water bottle should integrate physical tracking technologies in its design. RFID technology was required to be included somewhere in the bottle’s frame. Integrating RFID into the product design and development process will increase production costs. Moreover, it is more logical in business terms to allow lost smart water bottles to remain lost for the consumer to purchase new ones.

The figure below shows the features left after the product testing phase deliberations. There is a focus on alerts (notifications), interactivity, temperature, durability, and capacity.

Table 3: Results of the Concept Tests

Design and Development

The challenge for the design process will be coming up with a design that could be used for long periods. The user should also be able to see the bottle for long periods but not acknowledge it as a distraction. It has to be present but invisible when a person is working. Such a requirement suggested a subtle design, a one-coloured bottle per market segment. Like many other smart water bottles, the prototype is to have in-built lights that flash as a notification. However, Peterson (2022) laments that this feature can be unsuitable, such as when it distracts a speaker during a work meeting. Therefore, the prototype is to feature lowly-lit flashes. Only dark colours will be used, and instead of flashes, it will be one broken light moving in circles along the edges of the lid. A sleeker straight design will strengthen the product’s presence, and a dark theme for the body will complement the lid’s lighting.

A focused prototyping approach is to be used in the design and development process. The goal is to come up with a full-sized product that is ready for consumer use and assessment. A new requirement in the design process will be the need to reduce the size of the lower lid. The section houses the batteries and sensors for water levels. However, the design also needs to include another sensor for temperature. The solution is to shift from AAAA batteries (alkaline batteries) to CR2032 batteries (zinc-air, silver oxide). The bottom should house the two sensors with reduced battery sizes.

During prototyping, the product should show it can trace temperature changes and highlight whether the beverage is cold or hot. The design and development process also led to the conclusion that the smart bottom will not include an internal audio system (speaker) as part of its alert system. The bottom will only vibrate and flash the lid lights, but its audio notifications will leverage the product’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies.

Market Testing and Launch

The product is to start as a simple control experiment to see if we could come up with the best water bottle with regard to efficiency in drinking water (water volume, water deviation) and water intake tracking (drinking speed, daily intake) for consumers. A group of academic peers designed a series of tests based on Technical Directs’ controlled experiments (Labs & Hung, 2019). The best drinking speed and angles for water intake were deduced to minimize deviation. With this knowledge, it was decided that the design process should integrate the features and functionalities it identifies in smart bottles in the consumer market. The final product will be an amalgamation of the results from the experiment, the concept test, and the attributes of market-ready smart bottles.

Market research into the basic features of smart water bottles suggest that as soon as the final product design is finalized, it will be more than suitable for public consumption. The smart bottle will track daily water intake, provide subtle reminders, allow a customizable feature for water plans, connect with other devices, and share information. A focus group of peers will be included in the development process to ensure the final product will not be associated with a bad user experience. The participants should state that the product is easy to carry and does not override the space on top of the work desk. The reviews should imply the product will be able to build a positive brand reputation for itself. Market tests should also indicate the product will be a worthwhile one-time investment. The bottle will help people drink more water and will last long, meaning the consumer saves money in the long run.

Marketing Strategy and Marketing Mix

Product: The product will be an intelligent water bottle that can track daily water intake. The bottle will provide the user with weekly and monthly summaries of their water intake behaviour. The summaries will form the basis of water intake plans, which are customizable as per the consumer’s preferences. Aside from tracking water amounts, the bottle will alert the user when to drink water by vibrating and running a low-lit red light around the surface of the lid. If connected to external audio devices, the smart water bottle will chime to alert the user to drink water. Consumers of the product will be able to access a shared portal to form social networks that will act as peer support groups. Consumers will also access a mobile-based application that includes fun drinking games to encourage them to drink up more water. The gaming feature is meant to differentiate the product from its competitors, with the application facilitating online interaction with other users.

Price: Product pricing will follow a layered strategy that is reliant on the duration in which the product has been in the market. In the early stages of market penetration, penetration pricing will be applied. This means a price lower than determined by a breakeven analysis to generate more public interest regarding the bottle. The initial price will be $79 because it still situates the product among the top percentile of the smart water bottle brands while being relatively cheaper, as per our perceptual map. The price will allow more urban and suburban consumers to try out the product. Depending on sales and business requirements, the team might consider increasing the price later. A growth in demand after a few sales quarters will inspire a price increase.

Place: Most of the product promotions and sales will be done online. The company will sell the product on popular e-commerce platforms like Amazon, eBay, Jumia, and Alibaba. The company will also look for partnerships with popular sports stores like Dick’s and Academy. Most smart water bottle companies market their product online, which is why focusing on having a physical presence in sports stores could be a differentiating competitive factor. The brand might seek out retail partnerships in later stages of the product’s market penetration. Collaborations with local and international stores can help boost the physical presence of the product in target markets. Nevertheless, an online presence is imperative in the smart water bottle industry.

Promotion: Most of the marketing communication will leverage digital technologies. The advertising strategy will introduce a smart pair, which is a package comprising a smart water bottle, a QR code, and a fruit. The package will be distributed across offices, schools, and fitness centers. Once the consumer scans the QR code, the product will benefit from an expanded social media presence and improved consumer awareness. Marketing communication will leverage social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok, to provide audio-visual product promotions. Creativity will be emphasized in social media promotions. For instance, advertising can be done in tandem with healthy recipes, environmental commercials, and workout tips. Podcasts will also be used to keep tabs on the pop culture. Multiple print ads will portray individuals with a healthy lifestyle interacting with the smart water bottle. Product placement in popular TV shows and movies will be pursued, given that the show’s celebrities pursue healthy lifestyles.


Agarwal, M. (2022, May 7). Can a smart water bottle help you stay hydrated? Make Use of,

Borelli, L., Murray, L. & Wright, E. (2022, September 21). Dehydrated? Sip better from the best smart water bottles. ZD Net,

Chouraqui J. P. (2023). Children’s water intake and hydration: a public health issue. Nutrition Reviews81(5), 610–624.

Fortune Business Insights. (2022). Consumer goods: Water bottle market. Fortune Business Insights,

Industry Arc. (2023). Smart water bottle overview. Industry Arc,

Khan, N. A., Westfall, D. R., Jones, A. R., Sinn, M. A., Bottin, J. H., Perrier, E. T., & Hillman, C. H. (2019). A 4-d water intake intervention increases hydration and cognitive flexibility among preadolescent children. The Journal of Nutrition149(12), 2255–2264.

Labs, A. & Hung, H. (2019, May 9). Is your smart water bottle smart enough? Technical Direct,,water%20in%20our%20daily%20lives.

Peterson, M. (2022, June 16). Smart water bottles may be useful for some, but most can skip them. Apple Insider,

Research Nester. (2023, February 13). Smart water bottle market: Demand analysis and opportunity outlook. Research Nester,

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