Topic Narrowing Assignment





Topic Narrowing Assignment


The arrival of social media availabilities and platforms has changed the online environment in a drastic manner by enabling a concise development where users share and exchange feelings, ideas, emotions, and media derivatives at unprecedented rates. Beyond the online communication, the social media has influenced various behaviors, attitudes and nature within the users, whereas majority is included in the college students’ category. With much of their time taken up in utilizing and socializing through the social media, potential negative effects are realized in the process. Of particular interest is the mental health of the students at any given time as they develop into adulthood.

            Social media affects the mental health of an individual in appositive manner especially on networking, socialization, multi-tasking, empowerment, and connectivity. In networking, the mental capacity of an individual is improved on delivering evaluation on information from other people and using it to effective results at any given time through social media interaction. Through the online platform of social media sites, interaction is enhanced with different people, background, locations, and logic, much to the development of the brain. Socialization facilitates the confidence build up and generation of ideas. Since the platforms are diverse with different facilities like entertainment, chats, and sharing capabilities, the mental ability of multi-tasking is developed out rightly. The latter is managed through importance. Empowerment and connectivity is made possible in social media through exchange of ideas and inferring on similarities. It helps strengthens the mental resolve on opinions and preferences as opposed to being shy.  

            Despite the positive aspects of social media on mental health being present, majority of the negative attributes increase the need to address the issues. Social media decreases the brain’s activity of college students. There is too much reliance on the availability of exchanged ideas rather than one’s development. Much emphasis is placed into socialization, chatting, and exchanging media files as opposed to research and useful skills affecting the education. Mental capacity of attention is also reduced significantly. Attention of the college students who are frequenters of the sites is usually reduced to minimal levels as they are affected by distractions, discussions on latest trends and developments. There are addiction concerns with differentiated sleeping, reading and living patterns with the college students. It creates a sense of anxiety when using the social media and in most cases leads to depression and anxiety disorders. There is also exposure to negative attacks like cyber bullying, embarrassment and feelings of being left out in majority of the students. In turn, these affect their resolve, confidence, and reasoning abilities.

            The significance associated with mental problems on college students using social media have been attributed to numerous cases of hazardous effects like dropouts, suicides, conflicts, behavioral changes, and lawlessness. The negative effects cannot be easily prevented especially with the freedom associated with activities and rights of individuals within the country. Of major importance is the limitation by the service providers and monitoring ability of the entrusted bodies in order to reduce the potential negative attributes and exchanges carried out. It is a complex issue concerning the availability and ease of reach for the entire student population despite their ages, backgrounds, upbringing, and locations. Increased efforts in education on social media should be enhanced as a matter of priority with the future of the students in sight.         


I chose this topic because it is an international concern given the trends with information technology, embrace of social media and the relative population outreach that uses it. The topic on social media is sensitive on college students as they are drivers of future concerns in the world on all matters regarding development, research, governance, economies, settlements, and security issues.  

Research Question

What are the visible steps taken to minimize the negative effects associated with social media usage on mental health of college students?

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