Vacuum Splints





Vacuum Splints

Learning Goals: Learning Experiences Assessment
Foundation Knowledge: Students will learn diverse aspects concerning vacuum splints  Identify the different types of vacuum splints, the materials used in making them, and learn how to assemble them Video lesson showing the different types of vacuum splints and their usage Lecture and class discussion providing more knowledge of vacuum splints Class individual exam on the basics of vacuum splints Team work presentation on how to assemble vacuum splints
Application: Students will learn how to use vacuum splints in emergency situations  They will work in groups of two to demonstrate their understanding Preparation of a report following the team work project detailing the steps taken in the usage of vacuum splints Group project Individual report detailing the lessons learnt and the challenges encountered on the group project
Integration: Connect the knowledge learned in the classroom during lectures with practical knowledge Students will make a presentation to the classroom detailing what they have learnt They will identify the challenges they encountered in their practical applications                                    Individual report writing Class presentation  
Human Dimension: Develop a strong appreciation of team work and knowledge sharing  Group project Group assignment Literature research
Caring: Students will want to know how to use vacuum splints for personal reasons where they might need to help their friends or families in emergencies In class discussion on the diverse areas that the students may need to use vacuum splints Written assignment Individual presentation
Lifelong Learning: Fully understand the use of vacuum splints   Propose a research project on how the vacuum splints can be improved following the experience gained in using them Identify the current research and technology related to vacuum splints Conduct independent research  

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