Web Analytics

Web Analytics



Web Analytics

  1. Introduction
    1. Web analytics refers to the measurement, compilation, study and coverage of web data with the intention of comprehending and maximizing web usage.
    1. Apart from this role, web analytics is an effective instrument for market research as it has the potential to evaluate and enhance the success and efficiency of a website.
    1. Related applications can also assist individuals in measuring the results of media and advertising campaigns.
    1. They assist businesses and individuals to approximate the patterns of change in website traffic after major decisions have been made (Kaushik, 2007).
    1. Online analytics offer varied information including website statistics for visitors as well as page views.
    1. Proposing several recommendations can assist in explaining the declining web traffic in the case study as well as other future instances.
  2. Recommendations
    1. One proposal is taking a deeper examination of the traffic drops within the website. Normally, most web administrators observe about negative web traffic.
      1. However, very few take the time to analyze all the aspects of the traffic drop.
      1. The first step involves searching for the specific tracking code that identifies the data being analyzed.
      1. This can be achieved by opening the source code and searching for the UA to see the exact tracking codes.
      1. Mismatched tracking codes are an indicator of poor installation. Proper usage of the specific analytics software is equally important.
      1. It is possible that the user is filtering out important segments of the data and this change the overall outcome.
    1. The usage of the analytics software also determines the results.
      1. Forgetting to include a section of the data or unconsciously including it affects the integrity of the data.
      1. Apart from server-side issues that originate from the administrators and website owners, other issues can be fixed from the server-side.
    1. On some occasions, a sharp traffic drop can be caused by the expiration of the website domain name.
      1. This problem can be identified by carrying out a WHOIS search that will reveal the exact date that the website was developed.
      1. A coincidence between the sharp traffic drop and the registration day of the domain name is an indicator that the users cannot load the website on their computers or devices (Dykes, 2012).
      1. Most domain companies send numerous warnings to their consumers but this can be ignored or unseen.
    1. DNS issues can also cause significant traffic drops.
      1. This occurs when the website is being relocated to a different host or platform.
      1.  It is solved by tying the DNS settings to the domain name when making the change. Most technical staff can easily fix this problem.
    1. Drops in web traffic can also be caused by switching to HTTPS.
      1. While the change to HTTPS gives the client’s website an advantage in Google, making the switch needs the guidance of qualified web administrators.
      1. Some of the problems that cause traffic drops originate from the hosting providers. Fixing this problem involves seeking the services of companies such as Amazon Web Service that keep detailed downtime records (Cutroni, 2010).
      1. The web administrator can review these logs and identify the exact time and the nature of the problem.
      1. Major traffic drops are also broadcasted by popular sites such as Google News.
  3. Conclusion
    1. Most of the problems affecting web traffic are technical in nature.
      1. They originate from human error and equipment failure.
      1. Regardless of the origin, websites are affected negatively in that users and visitors cannot access the content.
      1. This holds significant financial consequences for online businesses.


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Cutroni, J. (2010). Google Analytics. Sebastopol, Calif: O’Reilly.

Dykes, B. (2012). Web analytics action hero: Using analysis to gain insight and optimize your business. Berkeley, CA: Adobe Press.

Kaushik, A. (2007). Web analytics: An hour a day. Indianapolis, Ind: Wiley Pub.

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