Women and AIDS Today





Women and AIDS Today


According to UNAIDS statistics, one in every four women in the U.S is HIV positive, which is 25% of the sample. By 2011, at least 20% of new infections were in women. Women are largely affected by HIV, as it is easier for a woman to contract the virus during intercourse than it is for a man. This goes to show that women are more susceptible to HIV infections than men are. Domestic violence against women is another contributing factor to the high prevalence of HIV infections in women. Studies show that it is more likely for a violent partner to have other multiple sexual partners, and hence transmit it to their better halves. Violence subdues the women are forced into sex, hence being infected with the virus. In 2013, in Sub Sahara Africa, it is estimated that at least seven thousand and five hundred maternal deaths were HIV/AIDS related. These numbers are alarmingly high

Goals of the Study

The goal of this study is to find out some of the measures that can be taken to reduce the number of infected women. It is also to provide more information on prevention from infection for women. This will in turn prevent mother to child transmission of the virus. This study aims to sensitize younger women on HIV/AIDS issues and domestic violence through various programs, in collaboration with partners. Finally, this study will help establish a clear plan of action now that the facts about the matter are available.

I chose this goal for it is evident that HIV is a grave issue that affects women and more measures should be taken to address the issue. Women are the pillars of society and they bring forth life, hence, their lives should be safeguarded against HIV/AIDS. A society with healthy women is a society that has a bright future ahead. HIV positive people are still stigmatized. Personally, the goals of this study are important, as they will be instrumental in influencing lives of many women positively. I believe these goals will help reduce the number of infections, enlighten the infected women on how to live positively, and to help reduce the rising number of new infections. The goals also mean that the domestic violence against women will be addressed and more awareness created. This study was chosen, as HIV is an issue affecting not only women, but men as well. However, women are the most affected, with various contributing factors that do not affect men. The study will provide some of the measures that will be taken to empower women and help them overcome the disease.

Plan of Action

To address this issue, the following would be the plan of action.

  • Introduce a rigorous curriculum in schools that emphasize more on HIV/AIDS studies. Such studies will provide detailed knowledge about the virus and therefore students from a younger age will take the necessary preventive measures. This will eventually reduce the number of new infections among adolescents and women.
  • Combat domestic violence against women. Various agencies and non-governmental organizations have taken up these roles through sensitizing the women on domestic violence issues, educating them on their human and social rights, and providing help to victims. Gender roles have in subordinated the women and dictates that a woman should sexually submissive. When a woman is socially, economically and cognitively, she becomes empowered and therefore, is able to protect herself from domestic violence and the high risk of being infected with the virus.

Establishing awareness clubs in high schools and higher learning institutions would prove resourceful in creating awareness. Governments in developing countries should put in place education programs that are aimed at providing the marginalized women with education opportunities in order to empower them. Once empowered, economic independence ensues. It is difficult to subject an empowered woman to domestic violence, and hence the risk of infection with HIV. An educated woman is able to make informed decisions about her sex life.

  • Studies indicate that a large number of HIV positive women are commercial sex workers. I would propose a rehabilitation program for these women and provision of jobs. This would need the help of the government. Other than rehabilitation, the women need to be sensitized on the use of contraceptives and protecting while engaging in the sex trade.
  • I would suggest for learning institutions to have their own AIDS day where they promote sex education and engage in campaigns against the virus. For instance, colleges should set aside an AIDS day in which they hold activities such as walks, to raise funds for the infected persons, run campaigns, and hold community sensitization forums on HIV. Women students should be encouraged to participate in such activities.
  • According to a CDC report, it is estimated that it costs approximately $379,000 to treat an individual over a lifetime. HIV should be subsidized and made available and accessible to all infected people.
  • Due to the stigmatization, a number of infected women do not visit hospitals for medication. I would propose a reward program where those patients who regularly visit the hospital to take their medication are gifted for adhering to the prescriptions. This would act as an incentive so that infected women can have a reason to take the drugs and hence prolong their lives and avoid other infections that are brought about by HIV. Stern action should also be taken against individuals who are at the forefront of stigmatizing HIV patients.

Making the Goals a Reality

      To achieve the goals of this study, I would start by ensuring women and the girl child goes to school and receive an education. Educating and empowering women is crucial in creating awareness on human and social justice. As mentioned earlier, when the women are educated, they become more aware of their rights; they make conscious and informed decisions about their sex lives and are less likely to experience domestic violence. This then reduces their risk of infection and exposure to the virus. I would approach the student body and school administration in organizing the school AIDS day and running the campaigns. Taking legal action against individuals who stigmatize HIV positive people will promote the patient’s human rights. Rights such as freedom of movement and association are often infringed when people are stigmatized since they are often unable to lead a normal social life.


  •  The government would be the largest entity that should be approached. This is because programs such as drugs provisions, legal action against those who stigmatize others and rewarding patients committed to the HIV treatment plans. Government should also deploy medical experts in schools where they teach women on HIV and related diseases, so to impart knowledge.
  • The school administration would be important for they would help in spearheading the campaigns at school and help in ensuring events run smoothly.


This assignment has provided very deep insights on the greats issue facing women, which is HIV. The plan of action suggested is economically feasible as with government and school administration support; there will be availability of funds, which will ensure the plans are fully implemented.

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