Women and Religion

Women and Religion   

            Social perspectives are how we analyze occurrences. It is a study related to sociology. Experts in this field utilize this perspective form of approach when analyzing sociological phenomena. There are three main perspectives in this study. These are conflict theory, symbolic interactions and functionalism. It defines our environment as being changeable and adaptable. Question related to this topic are explained in depth regarding the study of sociology.

Religion and Social Unity

The society is held together by a variety of forces around it. Religion is one of the forces that are responsible for the social perspectives held by different people. Through religious teachings, one is expected to behave in a certain manner. People of the same religion tend to socialize more because of their similar beliefs.

Example of Present Day Religious Persecution

Every religion has its own specific teachings that members follow to the letter. For instance, Christians believe that same sex marriages are a taboo. Thus, members who participate in this activity are banned from the church. They are discriminated against and denied involvement with the church.

Meaning of feminized during the Second Great Awakening

            During the second great awakening, it was observed that most women were the first and most enthusiastic in adopting Christianity. This was not only in terms of church membership but also in terms of theology. It was observed that women were active in drawing close relations to Christianity. Additionally, Christianity was made more compliant to its followers hence being termed as feminized.

Reason Why Christianity was a Basis for Women’s Progressive Movements

            Christian teachings facilitated formation of women progressive movements. This is because Christianity preached on liberalism and feminism. It supported women’s rights in the society and disputed their sufferings. Thus, women in the nineteenth century were allowed to become leaders.

Importance of Different Religious Social Ties to Women

            It is observed that women took an initiative to understand their religion better. They have gone to grater lengths and even formed organizations that are biased towards their gender only. As a result, the female gender created a boundary between them and the opposite sex. This occurrence is against social relations. Division of labor also resulted in instances where women considered themselves suitable for the occasion. An example was the formation of National American Women Suffrage Association that only dealt with women related issues.

Islamic faith and feminism

            Islamic faith has been viewed as a religion that looks down upon women. According to its faith, women were not allowed to take part any gatherings. Furthermore, they were to cover every part of their body with the exception of the eyes only. Islamic religion has been viewed as being anti-feminism. However, women in Afghanistan were later allowed to uncover themselves. Islamic women can also be seen as leaders in different nations hence it cannot be termed as being anti-feministic.

Women in Congregational Leadership Positions

            Organizational characteristics in churches have created a “glass ceiling” over women in church leadership. This is because they have poor belief in women concerning church leadership. This is a common characteristic both in the urban and rural congregations. The only exception is the suburban congregations where there is more belief in women leadership in churches.

Media Matters

The Islamic community felt endangered after the terrorist attack in America. Immigrant Muslim women were put in fear to a point that they failed to go to the mosque. This was contrary to American Muslims who thought it wise to visit the mosque more often. However, the September 11 bombings did not discourage them from wearing their hijabs.

A Closer Look at Men

            The fact that gay men can change and be straight men is the main principle behind the ex-gay movement. Deficit in masculinity and faulty socialization habits have been blamed for the occurrence of gay people in the society (Witham & Andersen, 2010). Mothers have also been held responsible for their closeness to their male children and fathers for their hostility towards gay children. The only cure that has been found for gay people is formation of organizations that assist them to transform into normal men.


Witham, D. H. & Andersen, M. L. (2010). Thinking about Women: Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Gender. New York, NY: Collier Macmillan.

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