Workplace Regulations

Workplace Regulations



Workplace Regulations


Question 1

Compliance programs are in-house plans and policy verdicts prepared by corporations in accordance to government instituted decrees and guidelines. A satisfactory “Action Planning” entails some of the following programs: management and organization, written principles, inventory and supervising and in-house lines of contact. The strategy used in creating these products was wide ranging. Compliance often proves to be challenging but its importance overrides such obstacles. Its aim is not only to keep the regulators contented, but also to ensure preservation of a company’s core values and principles.

Question 2

Personal codes of conduct are used to regulate principles that one may set for his/herself. Their aim is to help enhance responsibility among workers and other people. Workers’ personal code of conduct will contain the following key points: humility, courtesy, honesty and respect. Humility or modesty greatly influences the work environment. Once workers learn to appreciate one another, there is increased output, and observation and adherence to ranks. Courtesy is an attribute, which contributes to cohesion among workers. Strong and competent decision-making is highly based on honesty. Respect guides the behavior of workers; they cannot engage in negative or destructive activities.

Question 3

Accidents at workplaces arise from different causes and the cost related to each is equally varying. The most common causes are fatigue, improper technique, carelessness, untrained personnel, inappropriate storage, and packing methods. These accidents may result in damage of apparatus or to the individual. The cost is dependent on the consequence of the accident.

Question 4

The company has instituted several measures to help prevent accidents at the workplace. In order to avoid fatigue, night shifts will be abolished; this will help workers to get adequate sleep. Additionally, workers will be provided with breaks through the day. Only qualified staff will operate machinery, with tutorials introduced to equip workers with technical knowledge. The workers are advised to make inquiries from their colleagues when they need help, aimed at avoiding risk.

Question 5

The most effective method for devising a training program is by involving the workers. The workers should list the areas they feel require training. After assessment of the responses, the most highlighted areas will be selected. Most training plans comprise of conflict resolution, stress management, sales instructions, presentation skills, and team building among others.

Question 6

The priority of OSHA is to avert work related damages, ill health, and death. They institute practices in all workplaces, which guarantee safety. During OSHA inspections, the officers sent to workplaces evaluate the level of compliance to their directives. Assessments for workplaces are pre- determined; they can also result from employee grievances or recommendations by certain persons. Employers and employees should both be enlightened on their roles regarding compliance with OSHA directives. In the case of a violation, an employer may be fined up to seventy thousand dollars per infringement.

Question 7

The coming years bear massive changes for the safety and health profession. First is a change of hands from old to a new generation of young practitioners. These professionals come with more creativity, coupled with influence from the global internet revolution. The industry is male dominated but the future guarantees an influx of more women experts. Other issues include emergence of health and safety concerns in third world countries. Health and safety experts are required urgently in these areas, most of who will be lured by the lucrative incomes on offer.

Question 8

The company ought to have a healthcare amenity to cater for injuries and other forms of damage. This is because it currently uses chemicals, which may cause harm to employees, such as respiratory difficulties. OSHA standards dictate for the company to have a health facility within its compound. These health standards are contained in a document called “OSHA Best Practices for Hospital-Based First Receivers of Victims.”

Research Concepts


An abstract documents the information gap that has prompted further research in a particular topic. It also provides a general preview of the subject of research.

Background Information

            A detailed explanation of the theme under discussion ought to be provided. Various aspects related to the theme are relayed to the target audience at a glance under background information. This is to enable those who access the paper comprehend with ease, what the research is about.

Statement of the Problem

            It provides a link between the topic of research and its background information. All the concepts surrounding the topic are addressed here, including what led to it and the results expected.

Research Questions

            These present the concise question or series of questions, whose answers the paper is addressing. They are written in the usual interrogatory manner, with a question mark at the end. The number of queries is not limited to one, though they must be of a manageable number.

Objectives of the Study

            This refers to the ultimate aim of the research. They serve as confirmation that the purpose of the research is achieved. They need to be arranged in corroboration with the questions raised.


            Most hypotheses are obtained from the research questions, and may be null or alternative. Null hypothesis gives a negative answer to a particular statement, with the research aimed at proving it either wrong or correct. Alternative hypothesis is contradictory to null hypothesis.

Significance of the Study

            This documents the interests of various stakeholders in the research study. Each of them usually seeks to address a given problem using the information collected from the study.

Limitations of the Study

            Various factors may negatively affect the outcome of the research. They can also be described as constraints to the research process.


            The entire research revolves around methodology. It entails coverage, analysis, and interpretation of the outcomes. The practical aspect of the research is documented here. Activities involved include identification of variables, selection of the target population, methods of data collection and data analysis among others.

The Nature of the Data Set

            This is determined by the nature of the data under observation. The data may be either qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative data is immeasurable while quantitative information is quantifiable. The traits under study may be classified either as parametric or non-parametric.

Population and the Sample Population

            The population that is subjected to research is selected based on the king of data to be collected. A sample population is picked from the general group and their traits studied. This implies that the type of data influences the desired population.

Sample Size and Selection Process

            Due to various constraints such as financial burden and time, the whole target population may not be select3ed for the study. The most common yet effective method of sampling involves random selection method.

Methods of Data Collection

            The main methods of collecting information are primary and secondary methods. Either of them can be used for the study.

Primary Data Collection Methods

            These are used to collect raw information from the desired population. There are various methods classified under this, including observation, questionnaires, outline survey, and interviews. Various factors affect selection of the method to be used, for instance level of biasness and cost.

Secondary Sources of Data

            Information is retrieved from pre-existing data collections. The data presented is therefore not new. Written material is an example of such sources. Despite their relatively low cost, secondary sources are mainly based on past findings.

Data Reporting and Analysis

            This stage involves arranging data in a sequential order to give room for effective analysis. The following approaches are used with regard to measures of distribution: mean variations, standard deviation, and skewness of distribution.

Data Analysis

There are different methods of analysis depending on the type of data. The most common methods are standard deviation, variance, chi-square distribution, and regression analysis among others.

Findings and Distribution

The findings of the research are what offer subjects of discussion as to whether the purpose has been achieved. Inferences will be made from analysis of the results.

Conclusion and Recommendations

            Conclusions are usually drawn from information obtained using primary and secondary sources. Recommendations will be made based on reliability of the study, raising options of whether to accept, alter, or reject the results.


Evaluating Policies and Regulations

Audits are valuable procedures appreciated by most companies. The process of auditing is systematic. This first stage involves several activities, including analysis of compliance to OSHA regulations. Evaluation allows the auditors to gather background information on the company, especially since most auditors are outsiders. The objectivity of the audit should be stated clearly.

It is important for the company to provide all the necessary documents for the evaluation procedure, such as training tests, certificates of completion, inspections, permits, and injury records. These documents will offer much needed insight into the institutional framework and responsibilities. Evaluation policies require concise explanations of its role and concept. A statement highlighting professional standards and principles should also be included in the evaluation.

Creating the Audit Document

            This occurs after a review of organizational policies and regulations. There is a provision for how guidelines will be followed in the company. Despite having numerous programs in the market, Microsoft Excel is the most commonly used. This is because of its adaptability and conformity. Audit documents utilize open-ended questions to avoid ambiguity in the submitted by respondents. Special focus is paid to different areas of the company in an effort to identify any weaknesses that may require improvements.

            The document ought to address the issue of communication between all the parties involved in the audit process. The main purpose of the audit should be stated clearly and an atmosphere of credibility and professionalism built within the organization. The company and auditors need to state how standards will be rated. The frequencies with which audits are taken are dependent on factors such as the size of the organization and the number of employees.

Creating the Audit Program

            This involves certain steps that will eventually lead to implementation of audit. A conference is opened to introduce participants to the audit process. Only a sample of employees and managers are selected as participants in the audit. They are taken through a familiarization process before participation.

            Auditors take a tour of the organization to assess its policies and regulations. It is crucial for the audit not to interrupt the normal activities at the workplace. Thereafter, the documents from the assessment are reviewed. This is to ensure they correspond to the actual activities at the workstation. The conference of stakeholders is closed after an agreement of how the audit will be implemented.

Executing the Audit Fairly

            Fairness is considered the most important virtue, which guides the implementation of any audit. It is essential in reducing biasness and unfair judgment of the procedures carried out by an organization. Auditors seek to avoid bias, which may occur when an outsider is used to undertake the process. Prioritizing fairness ensures that information given is transparent. Protecting an organization’s improprieties may lead to dire consequences, such as failure to identify areas that require improvements.

            A fair audit ensures that both operational and financial procedures of the organization are evaluated. Accuracy and compliance to policies and laws are the main objectives of this process. Various risk prone areas are evaluated and recommendations made to correct them. A fair audit will involve all the stakeholders of the organization, whose interests are represented within a particular industry. An audit is considered fair if ethical values are applied to the process. Procedures on financial reporting ought to address the issue of dependable financial statements that are relayed to the public.

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