Writing Job-Application Materials





Writing Job-Application Materials

Assignment 1

To: bobviara@gmail.com

Subject: Recommended topics of discussion

Dear Sir,

First, I appreciate the opportunity you offered me of working for your company. This is a dream come true, and I promise not to disappoint you. Social media has not only allowed people all over the world to communicate easily but has also acted as a platform for seeking employment. Therefore, a discussion addressing various aspects of job application on social sites would help many individuals in improving their chances of acquiring a livelihood.

This includes the importance of networking. It is vital for job seekers to understand the significance of connecting with people who can offer jobs or recommend certain positions. This will ease their job search and improve their awareness of certain companies in their field of interest. In this discussion, the audience may require to comprehend the ways of reaching certain professionals crucial in their job searching process.  

Moreover, they desire to understand the best strategies of approaching certain staff members in their firm of interest in order to attain substantial information without ruining their employment chances. This will help them benefit from networking and at the same time provide you with better returns because of the increase in customers. I look forward to working with you in advancing online job application.

Thank you,



Email: harry34@yahoo.com

Assignment 2

The use of social media as an avenue for job application continues to gain popularity on a daily basis. However, a number of career seekers lack crucial information of how to use these sites for their. This has led to many individuals getting frustrated and blaming the sites for their misfortunes. This discussion seeks to offer a lasting solution to the problem by educating individuals on the importance of networking and the best strategies to use in the process. Networking helps individuals to know about people who may be significant in their search for employment.

            These professionals may either recommend or offer them employment opportunities. At the same time, they may help them gain vital information about the job they seek. The job seekers may be familiar to these individuals or not since that is not an influential factor in networking. This connection is achievable through friends or the internet. Nonetheless, it is more beneficial to use both avenues in order to obtain adequate information. This is because acquaintances may offer some private information about the company. On the other hand, the internet may have highly structured facts of the organization. This may include contacts of certain influential professionals in the organization and crucial details of the requirements that job seekers ought to meet.

            Likewise, these social sites provide a platform upon which job seekers can improve their application letters. Although many consider the process of scripting job applications as a formality and simple affair, most employers short list candidates based on the content of their letters. The social sites offer procedures of writing a convincing letter with all the relevant components. Additionally, one can access sample application letters useful for check listing their own. This will help people to forward job application forms that illustrate their competence and qualification for the job in question. In conclusion, job seekers should utilize social sites in order to attain the required results. They should embrace networking platforms in these sites to understand their firm of interest, in addition to obtaining contacts of useful professionals in these fields.

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