Writing Literature Review

Writing Literature Review



Writing Literature Review

Quantitative Research Design

            The presentation on correlation research design as per the opinion surveys surprised us with the amount of data collected and transitional statistics. The proportion of respondents and the amount of inferences used did not seem to tally. The questions were numerous when compared to the availed variables for a comprehensive nature of results. In addition, the correlation between the chosen samples in the opinion surveys delivered an extended set of values used to analyze the results. For example, the choice of the respondents’ ages could not quantify the representation of an entire population in the district from the sample size. It also showed the unstructured form of patterns used in data collection.

            The research problem was determination of the content from news channels into attributed behaviors in the society, especially with the younger generation. Quantitative research would have been ideal in determining the extent of the problem. I would generate the models of opinion surveys as means of acquiring the data. Opinion surveys would be administered in random sample of a determined size, methods of measurement would be dependent on the variable of the age groups within the community as well as control set. Empirical data would be used to extrapolate the unstructured source of data especially with additional responses on the media derivatives, extent of behaviors shown by the younger generation and the effect realized in the senior members of society.

            Opinion survey would be the research design in collection of data and analysis due to various factors of its qualitative nature. It is cost effective when measured on the sample size and time taken for allocation (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). It is also easy to develop, as it would require the response of the sample size under data collection according to the time allocated. Opinion survey is also relatively easier to administer as compared to any other design especially with the short time and amount of analysis required for the data set. Along with other technical aspects, it is critical for remote administration as well as conduction in order to prevent any geographical dependence. Castellan (2010) notes that it is capable of allowing large extent of data sets within the same sample size required in the design.

                 My hypotheses in the study would be dependent on the scope of research problem. For example, since the research problem was based on the effect of media towards behaviors in the society, both the negative and positive attributes would be covered. The first hypothesis would be that the media has negatively influenced the standard morals of the society, especially among the youth. The second hypothesis would be the moral decadence exhibited in the society is a consequence of media portrayal. The third hypothesis would be that the repulsive effects shown in behavioral changes in general could be attributed to the media.

            The research design, methodology, and analysis would be important for all members of the society due to its coverage. Morals and behaviors of individuals affect the societal fabric, relationships, interdependence, response to authority and general maintenance of decorum. Uncovering the effects garnered from the media would institute radical changes to the content covered and the kind of messages taken up by the society. It would also limit the number of isolated cases that influence the younger generation as a target fro their own good. Uncovering the research problem and results would help improve the trends of disobedience, unruly behaviors, and respect.    


Castellan, C. (2010). Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. Macrothink Institute Journals, 2(1), 11-21.

Chandra, S., & Sharma, M. K. (2013). Research methodology. Oxford: Alpha Science International Ltd.

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