Terrorism and Terror Attacks





Terrorism and Terror Attacks

Terrorists use terror magnifiers to maximize the effect of their actions. The media and the internet have helped to serve the purpose of terror magnifiers. They spread the word on the events as they happen, making sure that more people are aware of what is happening. This helps to instill fear and create terror among the people. As more people watch the unfolding events, they become psychological victims of the terror attacks. The media can magnify the terror attacks through the manner in which the journalists report the news. Transmitting half-truths, unconfirmed reports, and exaggerating information are ways of increasing terror and anxiety among people. Many people who are not at the scene depend on the media for information. Thus, many of them will be keen on the reports aired, and they will believe them without a second thought. The initial impact of the news received is greater than subsequent reports. Therefore, the media should be careful when relaying the information.

 Governments can increase people’s fears and anxiety through their actions and in the words that different officials use. Careless words concerning increased terror threats in the country can add terror. This may result from political interests. Some officials who oppose the government’s action on security measures may point out the increased risk of terror in the country. Some government agencies, especially those with competing interests, may want to exempt themselves from blame. They may use words and act in a way that increases people’s fear concerning terrorism. For instance, an agency may highlight its efforts in enhancing security and claim that efforts from another agency are an obstruction and that they can increase the risk of terror. Such words make people more fearful. People trust their government agencies to protect them from external threats. Therefore, when they hear conflicting reports from the officials, they will be more fearful, and they will continue to be more concerned about terrorism.

Terrorist planners understand that people will be terrified when they hear any threat on terrorism. This is irrespective of whether they will carry out any of their threats. Terrorist actions can cause psychological suffering to people, which is one of the main objectives of the terrorists. Terrorist acts can also cause physical harm such as injury or death. Because of the different impact that their activities have, the terrorists will have managed to fulfill their objectives. The terrorized may not be much aware concerning the terrorists purpose. They may consider a planned terrorist attack unsuccessful if the police and other security personnel manage to stop it in time. However, they may not think much about the effects of the measures taken to prevent such action in the future. Government’s actions towards enhancing security places people in a situation where they may feel imprisoned. Some people become more fearful and terrified when they do not see tight security measures in place. They tend to think that they will not be safe in case of a security threat. Such action can act as a terror magnifier in the sense that it increases terror among the people.

The Boston attacks revealed the relative ease with which people could make bombs and other explosive devices. The internet has made it easier for people to get the information they need relating to making simple weapons that can have disastrous effects. The bombers used simple devices, yet they managed to cause death and injuries of several people. This shows that, with much research, other people with such intentions can use the same methods and technologies used by the attackers in order to make stronger devices. The reality of the bombings reveals that the terrorist threat in the country is not just an external affair. There is a need to conduct investigations and put in place measures that will ensure that even the people living in the country will not be in any position to conduct acts of terror.

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